God Says Today My Child It’s Very Important

God Says Today My Child It’s Very Important my greating beloved child I understand your worries but remember nothing is too hard for me even though you may not see it now rest assured that everything will eventually work out hold on to your faith it or else you might on some special blessings that I have for you

God is speaking to you reminding you that when you hear the sound of thunder it signifies rain when you see something you have the ability to identify it when you taste food you can express how delicious it is when you touch something you can share your feelings about it

God asks if you can understand the reasons behind the current events happening in the world despite reading his word daily can you comprehend why these things are occurring God assures you that these events were already prophesied for the upcoming great day he has already revealed through his word what will happen before you see him face to face therefore do not be confused or worried

about these happenings instead prepare yourself and spread the word about that day if others do not listen pray for them remember if you do not prepare now one day you will regret realizing it is too late this is a gentle reminder from God my beloved children I have some blessings that are coming your way that will help you overcome what you’ve been through heal from the hurt recover what you lost and move beyond what wasn’t fair you faced challenges

but now double dose of favor is on its way to you your setbacks will pave the way for a remarkable comeback to negatives in your life will transform into positives and as you stay steadfast in faith and follow my guidance I will grant you even more than what you prayed for my child may your life be abundant with happiness love laughter and blessings God says type yes if you praise my name speak five lines every morning one God is healing you first more powerful and improved than ever before you are returning two wait patiently for

God is Planning the weight will be worthwhile three a noteworthy Miracle is enroute to you for the situation that has been causing you tension is being resolved by God type thank you God if you agree God’s plan listen this carefully if you’re waiting for everything to be perfectly aligned before stepping out to obey God’s call chances are you might never take that step faith is about trusting even when you don’t fully understand it may not make sense to others and it’s not based on feelings circumstances or convenience sometimes you have to step out to discover if it’s truly God’s plan you’ll encounter challenges obstacles and difficulties

but it’s in those moments that you’ll witness the miraculous power of God it’s time to stop procrastinating and step out in faith leaving the safety and comfort behind the rewards of obedience are beyond your imagination do it for the glory of God if you desire Miracles God has spoken waiting on God may be challenging at times we may feel impatient and anxious when we don’t get what we want when we want

it however it’s crucial to trust God’s plan and timing sometimes we ask for things that may not align with his will for our lives mistaking what appears good or Pleasant is a blessing but in reality not everything that looks or feels good is meant for our future it’s essential to avoid anything that might become a burden because we weren’t ready for it instead find Peace by focusing on God and being content with his guidance remember God is looking out for you and has your back for just as the sun rises with scorching heat and Withers the plant its Blossom Falls and its beauty is destroyed in the same way the riches of this world will fade away even while people go about their business trust me

I’ve been by your side through every season of your life I have consistently provided for and protected you although things may be challenging at the moment have faith in my timing I see the bigger picture and the changes on the horizon trust me wholeheartedly and embrace this new day with hope and anticipation as God said my beloved child as a new month unfolds I want to remind you of the beauty found in fresh Beginnings each month presents a new opportunity to draw nearer to me strengthen

your faith and experience the wonders of my love and grace just as the sun rises with the dawn of a new day the start of a new month fills you with hope and anticipation God is saying to you today my purpose for you will never fail I have a plan to accomplish it and as you read my word you’ll see how others face struggles but still found their way to the blessings and purpose I had for them similarly my purpose for you will never falter I know you inside out and I’ll provide exactly what you need at the right time

every challenge you encounter has a reason so be patient have faith in me and trust that I am working things out for your good God declares if you want my blessings type yes today I speak to your heart inviting you to embrace the Journey of Faith that lies ahead as you open your heart to me rest assured that I am by your side every step of the way guiding and leading you towards a purposeful and fulfilling life have faith in me even when you cannot comprehend my ways my plans surpass your understanding

I assure you that everything is working together for your good your loyalty and trust in me will not go unrewarded Embrace a life of faith knowing that I extend my grace towards you rest assured I am with you at all times let no one wall some talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen Ephesians for 29 God says type amen if you believe in me God is saying to you today I want to remind you of something as Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives

the disciples came to him privately asking about the signs of his coming and the end of the age Jesus answered them see to it that no one misleads you many will come in my name claiming to be the Christ and they will mislead many many will come in my name claiming to be the Christ and they will mislead many you will hear of wars and rumors of wars but do not be alarmed for these things must happen Nation will rise against Nations and Kingdom against Kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in various places but all these things are just the beginning of birth pains then they will hand you over to tribulation and go you

you will be hated by All Nations because of my name many will fall away betray one another and hate one another false prophets will rise up and mislead many because lawlessness will increase most people’s love will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved and this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached and the whole world as a testimony to All Nations and then the end will come so let us take these words to heart my child let us not be confused or worried about the current events happening in the world instead let us prepare ourselves and spread the word about that great day that is to come and if others do not listen let us pray for them remember if we do not prepare now we may one day regret realizing it is too late

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