
  • A Prayer of Faith and Trust in God’s Promises

    A Prayer of Faith and Trust in God’s Promises, As believers, as followers of Christ we should know the word of God but I believe we need to go beyond just knowing the word of God, we need to have it written on our hearts, we need to have it hidden deep in our souls…

  • Trusting in God’s Plan: A Path to Victory, Healing, and Abundance

    Trusting in God’s Plan, God says evaluate my child Life will never be the same I will come again today I want you to rejoice in victory I will lead you and give you victory that you will not destroy, dear child It is natural to find it difficult to trust God in the midst…

  • Top Divine Words of Wisdom: Finding Peace and Solace in Times of Distress

    powerful jesus quotes Top Divine Words of Wisdom, Many times in our lives we become very disappointed and distressed, the mind does not seem to be anywhere, there is a restlessness throughout the day, the mind is restless, the mind does not find peace anywhere, despite having everything, it feels incomplete, nothing is complete, at…

  • Powerful Prayer to Cancel Negative Words and Overcome Evil in Jesus’ Name

    Powerful Prayer to Cancel Negative Words and Overcome Evil in Jesus’ Name I want to pray against every negative word spoken over your life, for every word spoken against the word of God over your life we ​​will pray that it will have no effect, that it will be rendered useless and ineffective, in the…

  • Thank God For A New Day

    Thank God For A New Day ,When Moses stood before a burning bush in Exodus chapter 3 and heard the voice of God, the Bible says in verse 13, Moses said to God, Suppose I go to the Israelites and tell them the God of your ancestors has sent me to you and they ask…

  • A Bed Time Prayer for Strength

    A Bed Time Prayer for Strength As the Lord looks down from heaven above and his eyes fall upon you have you ever wondered what does he see or rather who does he see on the throne of your heart who do you put first in your life by your actions isaiah 26 9 says…