Powerful Morning Prayer with God to Start Your Day 

loving father I lift up your name in praise for all glory honor and worship Belong to You alone there is no one like you in all the Earth your goodness your mercy and your love are beyond measure I want to pause and acknowledge your sovereignty and kindness in every area of my life you have been so faithful Lord every moment you have watched over me cared for me and provided for my needs even when I didn’t recognize it your plans are always perfect and I trust that what you have promise to your children you will bring to pass because

your word is true and unchanging you are the God who keeps every Covenant and you are worthy of all my devotion and Trust Lord Jesus I know that as long as my eyes stay fixed on you I can stand firm no matter what storms come my way when life feels overwhelming when the Winds of difficulty blow and the waves of uncertainty crash against me I am safe because you are my anchor with you at the center of my life no storm can shake me I am confident that even if the waters rise around me I will not drown for you hold me above the waves when the

fires of trial burn I will not be consumed because your protection surrounds me Lord You Are My Safe Place my refuge and my strength as long as I keep my focus on you I can rise above every Challenge and find peace in your presence today Father I come before you and humbly ask that you turn your face toward me look upon me with favor Lord and let your peace fill my heart I’m deeply grateful for the love you have shown me a love that is unconditional and steadfast despite all my faults all my past mistakes you have called me your

beloved you have embraced me not because I’m perfect but because you are full of grace you call me friend and that truth fills my heart with so much joy it doesn’t matter what I’ve done or where I’ve been you love me just as I am with all my flaws and weaknesses in your love Lord I find my true worth and in your love I am completely satisfied every longing in my heart every desire I have is met and fulfilled in you thank you Lord for the wonderful assurance that you will never leave me you will never abandon me even when I

feel alone the world may fail me people may disappoint me but you oh Lord are always faithful I hold hold on to your promise that you will never forsake me or turn your back on me the enemy may try to steal my joy and weaken my spirit but I refuse to give him that power I declare that my strength and joy come from you alone and nothing can take that away from me I will not allow the devil to distract me from the love and grace that I have in you my heart will remain fixed on you Lord for you are my source of

Hope and victory Holy Spirit I ask for your guidance in every moment help me to stay focused and aware of the ways the enemy tries to deceive me keep my heart sensitive to your voice so I won’t be led astray by the distractions and temptations of this world convict My Heart Lord to remain Vigilant and alert so that I may walk in truth and not be swayed by anything that pulls me away from you thank you for working all things together for my good even when I don’t understand it your plans are higher than mine and I

trust that everything in my life is part of your perfect will for those who love you all things work together for good and I rest in that promise knowing that you are always in control Lord as I face the unknown today I Turn to You for direction there are so many things I don’t understand so many areas in my life where I feel uncertain but I choose to trust you I ask that your Holy Spirit speak to me clearly and Reveal Your will for my life guide me father in the way that leads to righteousness and Truth show me the path that aligns with

your purpose for me I don’t want to walk in confusion or make decisions based on my limited understanding I need your wisdom Lord I need the Holy Spirit to direct my steps so that I can walk in the fullness of the purpose you have designed for me Lead Me father so I may glorify you in all that I do father even when I Stumble when I am afraid or when the uncertainty of the future weighs heavily on my heart I ask for your forgiveness forgive me for the times I doubt for the moments when my faith wavers and for the times I try to handle

things on my own strengthen my faith Lord so that I can place my full trust in you knowing that you are in control help me to release my worries my anxieties and my fears into your hands I know I cannot control everything but you Lord are sovereign over all give me the grace to surrender every burden to you and trust that you will take care of me Cover Me with Your Precious Blood Lord Jesus I plead the power of your blood over my life knowing that it still holds power today just as it did at the cross protect me from every attack of

the enemy Shield me from his schemes and keep me hidden in your presence I declare that only you Jesus have the Throne of my heart nothing else will take your place you will always be first in my life and I will live to honor and serve you alone Holy Spirit help me guard my heart against any Idols that may try to take God’s place in my life keep me from being distracted by things that don’t matter by things that seek to steal my focus away from you help me to keep my priorities straight always placing the

Lord first in everything I do may my heart be set on serving you and loving you Above All Else remove anything from my life that tries to become more important than you Lord thank you Father that I am established anointed and sealed by the Holy Spirit your word tells me in Colossians 2:10 that I have been made complete in Christ who is the head over every power and authority I declare that in Jesus I am whole I am lacking nothing because he has made me complete I stand firm in the knowledge that my savior saor Reigns

over all and through him I am victorious Lord because of the sacrifice you made on the cross I am now set apart as a child of God you paid the ultimate price for Me with Your Precious Blood a price that is far greater than anything this world can offer I have been redeemed not with silver or gold but with the blood of the Spotless Lamb of God your word reminds me in 1 Corinthians 6 veres 19 and 20 that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I am not my own for I was bought at a price thank you Lord for this incredible


truth I submit myself fully to you allowing the Holy Spirit to live within me and guide me thank you Lord for hearing my prayer I offer this in the mighty name of Jesus my Savior amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and please let us know in the comment section if you would like us to pray for you specifically May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always

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