BEGIN YOUR DAY WITH GOD The first thing you want to keep in mind every day is Lord bless me. Why do you think like that? So that you will have the blessings of the Lord deliver me from the evil of bad times. Every day when you wake up after sleeping you don’t know what evil is designed to bring you down and trouble you. So go ahead and say deliver me from the evil of the day choose fellowship with God daily try to know what pleases the Lord and have nothing to do with things done in the dark that are not worth anything walk with Him walk with Him all your life I ask you this. Is there anything in your life that you want to be fully committed to for the rest of your life? Maybe there are some things that you are committed to right now that are taking up your time and energy and you shouldn’t commit to them, because God wants first priority in your life and wants wholehearted commitment. God says the most important thing is to be with Me above everything else, so that you can know Me. This means that when I wake up in the morning I should say to God that no matter what happens today, I want to know you a little more.

I need to learn how to love you a little bit more And it could be the best day I ever had But I need to make sure I learn how to love you And know you a little bit more And God says if you do that, that day was a success And the opposite is true to.
Let’s say you get up And you don’t even think about God and you got this great day You go you make the sale you finally get the job you finally get a date with a live girl Whatever it is okay. Your a success that day It’s your best day ever that you got And you forget about God. God says that day was a waste It was a failure because you forgot me What’s most important is that you get to know the Lord Get to know him And it’s a mistake that you and I make all the time in our lives

Where we don’t think about inviting God into our daily experiences We think God I’ve got this I got my dating don’t worry about my dating I’ve got it God I know what I’m doing. God don’t worry about my work I’m good I’m good God don’t worry about my work Don’t worry about my dreams God. Don’t touch my dreams. Don’t worry about them I got them And we totally rule out God Am I going to put my faith in my own wisdom in my own power my own resources or am I going to trust God am I going to let God do the battle for me and trust his power and his provision in my life And the fact is that when we make that choice We need to know that God wants to do battle for us God wants to go before us in battle He wants to go with you in battle.

He wants to help you in your troubles and the problems that you have So whatever trouble your in whatever battle your in right now seek the Lord seek his power he wants to give it to you Prayer is a weapon of our faith It is one of the greatest weapons of our faith it should be our first response and not our last resort when we go through times of trouble Call out to God and rely on him God wants you to know that he wants you to experience the fullness of his presence in your life not just every day of your life But every moment of your life You can experience his presence if you want it You can tap into it and that’s the promise he gives us He promises his presence in our lives when we seek after him You may go through deep waters. You will go through deep waters in your life But you will not drown You will go through storms in life and God will get you through those storms And when you go to battle you need to know that God wants to be there with you and protect you and you will not be destroyed One of the greatest truths of the bible is if God is for us who can be against us

Here’s Jesus invitation to you Here’s what he said in Matthew 11. Jesus said come to me That’s the seeking part. Come to me All you who are weary and carry heavy burdens All the things that are weighing you down Here’s his promise and I will give you rest Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart And you will find the rest for your souls And so what I can tell you with great honesty and sincerity Is that if your in the desert your in the battle And you’ve been there for a long time and your going to be in it God’s presence will be with you and he will protect you And he will give you the rest and I’ve found that if i have that that is all I need I don’t have to have the answers I don’t have to understand But if I got God and I feel him and know him he is there Then I am good How do we need to make sure that we don’t miss out on God’s blessing when were seeking him.

Well there’s a familiar verse that gives us great direction. It’s Proverbs 3,5, and 6 It says this: trust in the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding And in all your ways acknowledge him And he will direct your paths This word trust means to not just trust him in the convenient ways not just in the easy ways Not even in just the spiritual ways but trust him in all of the ways that we have in our lives.

In the big and the small Trust him on the roads of life that you’ve been on before And trust him on the roads you’ve never been on And those paths you’ve never taken and those safari crazy roads were there is no path That’s your out there in the middle of the wilderness on your own trust him This word acknowledge in here This word acknowledge means a deep intimate penetrating relationship where you know a person in the deepest and fullest sense That’s the kind of relationship that God wants to have with you and with me So our life goal needs to be this That we need to seek God in every area of our life When we don’t know what to do And we need to seek God when we do know what to do We need to seek him in the big things in the small things We need to invite him into the conversations

we need to invite him into the daily life because yesterday’s victories don’t determine today’s successes and even when you think you know how to answer the problem that your in you still need to go to God. You still need to trust him Because the greatest faith of yesterday will not give us the confidence of today unless we stay connected to God because he wants to bless our lives God wants to have his best for your life he wants to have his hand on your life he wants to give you the protection and his presence and rest and hope and all the things that he wants to do for you He wants that Second Chronicles 16:9 Says the eyes of the Lord search the whole earth They search the whole earth in order to strengthen those who’s hearts are fully committed to him

This verse that God is searching he is looking He is seeking the entire earth for somebody for a people for a person for a church that’s willing to be fully committed to him so that he can bless them and have his hand on them and give you and give me his best He is seeking after you God wants us to seek him but he is seeking us He is seeking us because he loves us And he wants to give you his best We need to do our responsibility and then cast our care you do what you can do about the things in your life that you can do something about and then when you cannot do anything about it you cast it on God and you trust him and it’s perfectly okay for you to enjoy you life while you have a problem I said it is perfectly okay for you to go ahead and enjoy your life while while God is working on your problem.

It’s not that nothing happening it’s just that your not the one that’s making something happen so whatever you got going on in your life tonight don’t waste one more day in excessive sadness and grief and depression and discouragement because you can’t do anything about it and Jesus paid for you to be able to enjoy your life to have it in abundance to the full until it overflows so we are totally Wasting what God gives us if we waste our days in sadness and morning Learn how to focus on good things Everybody here has got something they could be upset about if they choose to focus on it but you don’t have to focus on that and what we focus on is what we magnify in our lives what we talk about is what we become more consciously aware of in our lives if there’s a problem that needs to be dealt with deal with it but don’t focus on it think about the possibilities in your life not the problems in your life.

Hebrews 12:2 very simple says looking away from all that will distract Unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith Learn how to celebrate the good instead of grieving excessively over the bad things in life No matter where you started in life you can have a good finish it doesn’t really matter where you began you have got a good finish coming Let’s have a shift in our thinking Let’s have a shift in what were focusing on Surly you can find something in your life to focus on that’s worth celebrating And were going to be excited about the things that are yet to be done That we know that God is working on and that God is doing

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