God Provides Food

God Provides Food for Everyone ,Once upon a time Moses rescued his Israelite brothers who were going through a very difficult time in Egypt.

Because he had promised that he would save them from the slavery of Egypt and all those people had to reach the land of Canaan.

And the time it took to reach the land of Canaan from Egypt was 40 years. And in those 40 years, feeding such a large number of people was a big problem in itself.

But by the grace of God, there was no shortage of anything.

Whenever those people needed bread, bread would come to them from heaven.

The food of the angels was fed to them and when they needed meat, the east wind would blow and a pile of partridges would be made and they would be fed meat.

When they were thirsty, holes would be made in the rock and water would be taken out from the rock and they would be given to drink. God protected them in every way and never let them go hungry.

The key points of this story are as follows:

Meal of manna: When the Israelites were hungry in the desert and had nothing to eat, God sent manna (bread) from heaven, which is called the food of angels.

Provision of meat: When the Israelite demanded meat, God sent down a plethora of birds from the east wind, which provided them with meat.

Provision of water: When the Israelite were thirsty, God brought water out of the rock to quench their thirst.

Protection and care: God protected His people in every way and did not let them go hungry, showing that He meets every need of His followers.

This story is an inspirational tale of faith, obedience, and God’s infinite mercy.

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