Today Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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We all have different stories to tell when it comes to certain events that have happened in our lives, some of us have experienced really dark moments, we have lived days where it felt like the weight of the whole world was on our shoulders, others have felt like we have fallen so low and we have been isolated and forgotten, but saints, when life brings you to your knees, that is when you are at your strongest and you are at your strongest because you have done everything you can, you have exhausted your own resources and now you are at a place where you have nothing to give, when you get to this point when life brings you to your knees, that is when you must come to the realization that Paul came to in second Corinthians 12:9 and 10,

Finding Strength in Weakness: Embracing God’s Power in Our Struggles

the Bible says, but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you because my power is made perfect in weakness, therefore I will boast all the more joyfully in my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may be made strong in me But for Christ’s sake, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and adversities Because when I am weak I am strong It is in your weakest moment that the power of God increases It is in your darkest moment that the light of Jesus Christ shines brightest It is only when you reach your limits that you can truly understand how infinite our God is The Son of God The Daughter of God Whatever you are facing God’s grace is sufficient for you Whatever challenge you are facing God’s power is made perfect in your weakness

Today Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

God’s Grace Is Sufficient: Trusting in His Power

If you feel like you’ve reached rock bottom God’s loving kindness and His mercy is more than enough and is always available to you regardless of the situation So child of God don’t give up Whatever difficulty you face, don’t lose heart Do not give up if you feel weak and overwhelmed Because when you are weak they could not withstand the fiery furnace God took over the walls of Jericho because God took Moses and the children of Israel under His control They could never cross the Red Sea until God took control of the bleeding woman She could never be healed until God took control of all these people All of these people faced different circumstances and they were all limited in some way

Building Your Life on the Solid Rock of Christ

They all had weaknesses but saints it was in their weakest moments that the power of God was increased and so here I want to tell you to let God take over your situation in your weakness increase the power of God remember in His word God said my grace is sufficient for you my power is made perfect in weakness I want you to pay attention to Jesus words in Matthew 7:24- 27 because it is built on the cornerstone but everyone who hears my teaching and does not obey it is a fool like a man who builds a house on sand when the rains and the floods come and the winds beat down that house it collapses with a mighty crash the way we prepare to face the challenges of life is by Build your house on the solid rock and that rock is Jesus Christ, you see that means when the rain of life comes, when the river floods or the storm comes, nothing can shake your house, nothing can shake you

Today Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

Prayer: Inviting God’s Presence into Our Lives

You are standing on the solid rock called Jesus Christ so as long as everything is well with you, continue to build your house on Jesus, stand on the solid rock of the ages and so as we prepare to approach the Lord in prayer, I just encourage you to remember that one day you will be on the other side one thing is certain life will present its storms but one thing is even more certain if you are rooted in Christ, if you are built on that solid rock you can withstand it, so now let’s go to the throne
Grace be the glory Lord Jesus, Father with you by my side I will boast even more joyfully of my weaknesses Lord when I feel overwhelmed, when I feel powerless, your word in Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me You are the source of my strength You are the source of my power Father when I face all kinds of difficulties, I look to you for divine intervention nothing is impossible with you Lord Jesus when I am limited, Your Word in Philippians 4:1 says 19 And my God will supply your every need according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus Lord you are rich in power you are rich in wisdom and nothing is too hard for you

God’s Strength in Our Weakness: The Power of His Presence

My God will meet your every need according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus, Lord, you are rich in power, you are rich in wisdom and there is nothing that is too hard for you, Father, you have the solution to anything and everything that I may ever face in this world, you have more answers than the resources of any expert or any doctor in this world, your ways are so high God, they are so much higher than we are, Psalm 40 verses 1 and 2 says I waited patiently Lord and he leaned in and heard my cry, he pulled me out of a terrible pit out of the mud and set my feet on a rock and established my steps, I pray that you will hear my cry, Lord Jesus when my heart is troubled, when I am weak, when I feel threatened by the enemy, hear my cry,

Lord not only hold my feet together but you give me the strength to overcome I invite you into my life Lord in every part of me I call you to my place I invite you into my life no matter whether the situation seems good or bad I want you to be there Lord deliver me from my troubles fight on my behalf Lord make a way for me where there seems to be no way give me faith to face every burning trial I face give me grace to withstand any persecution and Lord in everything I do, I strive to be more like you every day give me the strength to fight and persevere give me the strength to resist the devil give me the strength to fight against this flesh and my carnal sinful nature Lord give me the strength to stand firm and stand firm in your word even when this world gives me many temptations your word says in Romans 8:26 likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness because we do not know how we should pray I am struggling with all the things that have come against me Holy Spirit,

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Conclusion: Standing Firm in Faith and Trusting in God’s Provision

intercede on my behalf Lord Jesus I bless your precious name Lord I love you I magnify you I honor you Lord and I thank you for letting me come into your presence I thank you for hearing my prayer It is in Jesus’ name I pray and I give you all the glory Amen it’s written in the Bible but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast even more joyfully of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest on me for Christ’s sake then I am content with weaknesses, humiliations, difficulties, persecutions and adversities because when I am weak I am strong Anyone who hears my teaching and obeys it is wise like a man who builds a house on the solid rock and sand When the rains and the floods come and the winds blow against that house it will collapse with a mighty [MUSIC] crash I waited patiently for the Lord and he tended to me and heard my cry He also pulled me out of a terrible pit of muddy mud and set my feet on a rock and made my steps firm

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