The Devil Doesn’t Want To You Read This Script

The Devil Doesn’t Want To You Read

The Devil Doesn’t Want To You Read This Script, God says dear brothers and sisters as this profound message from God resonates within your heart I urge you to contemplate its significance in your life sometimes you need to let goof the ones you love because I in my Infinite

The goodness you shared

Wisdom I am guiding them to places you were never destined to go similarly I am guiding you to places they were never destined to go Embrace this divine plan find peace within it and cherish the memories of all the goodness you shared with others best assured dear one that my love for you remains unwavering taipa man if you believe in Jesusmy beloved child I as a Divine being stand before you embracing you with all the love and compassion that exists in the universe I have heard your prayer your heartfelt plea for the success of your personal goals and aspiration and I want you to know that

I am here for you

God says type amen

I will provide you with the strength and resilience needed to face any adversity that comes your way have faith in the timing of your life for everything unfolds according to a greater plan patience and perseverance are virtues that will serve you well as you work diligently towards your goals trust that your efforts will be rewarded and the universe will conspire in your favor

Belief in you your Divine

Faith in me my child God says

Blessings in a way

The entire world therefore I urge you to have faith in me trust that I know what I am doing in your life instead of worrying start putting your trust in me and you will see how everything unfolds according to my perfect plan Lord says it’s time to cease questioning your worth it’s time to relinquish the belief in the falsehoods that you fall short

I am the Good Shepherd

Do not underestimate the power of your prayers they have the ability to move mountains if you desire Miracles watch this video all the way through to the end God is saying to you today I’m the god of transformation allow me to shape and mold you into the person I created you to be submit to my refining process even when it feels uncomfortable trust that I am making you into something beautiful and purposeful listen up my child you are entering significant moments of Destiny

God is speaking to you today

you will prevail over sickness conquer depression and overcome every struggle healing advancements breakthroughs and blessings are swiftly approaching stay encouraged subscribe to channel to growth this community I am altering your storyline The Narrative is on the verge of a profound shift the apparent setbacks and failures are about to be transformed into triumphant success and complete restoration God is speaking to you today assuring you that what has been working against you will now work in your favor what was intended to harm you well de-utilized to refine and strengthen you every aspect that seems to be

disintegrating will instead align perfectly remember divine intervention and turn the tide in your favor taipao man in the comments and get blessed today

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