the Armor of God – Inspirational & Motivational

the Armor of God – Inspirational & Motivational, Right now we are in the midst of a supernatural war this is a war between light and darkness It’s a war between good and evil It’s a war between Christ and Antichrist this supernatural war is they fight to the finish It’s not until you get tired or you get weary.

We’re not doing this in Our Strength We’re doing it in God’s strength St. Paul gives this battle cry put on the whole armor of God That is a command. It is not a request it is for your benefit You be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might He says you put on the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil He says for our struggle that is not against flesh and blood But it is against the rulers against the powers Against the world force’s of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places

He says so therefore you better lay down all your earthly weapons that do not work and take up some weapons that will actually have benefits in your life He says take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to resist in the evil day and having done Everything to stand firm.

He says you ought to just stand firm therefore In this passage the Apostle Paul Introduces almost for the first time at least this overtly he introduces the concept of spiritual warfare Paul says endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ fight the good fight of faith We’re more than conquerors through Christ. St.

Paul says in Colossians, 2:15 that on the cross quote Jesus was Sparling powers and principalities and making a public show of Satan The Bible says for this cause came Christ into the world to destroy the works of the devil The message is that Christ went to the cross to defeat Satan Now the question the point I’m making here is this you cannot believe in redemption of the cross and not believe in the purpose of the cross and the purpose of the cross was to destroy a very real devil whose objective is to destroy you The Apostle Paul says you have an enemy and he’s very very real and he’s banking on the fact that you will forget he is there

There is a satanic force in this universe That’s trying to deceive divided and to destroy and he’s being far too successful and they’ll never come a time in your life where Satan decides to leave you alone But the fact is the same Bible that tells you there is a real God Tells you there’s a very real devil with demonic forces highly organized totally ruthless committed to destroying you and that those demon powers will attack your mind and attack your body and attack your marriage and attack your finances and attack your children and attack your relationships and attack your church, but it’s not your spouse Who is the problem there’s an enemy It’s not your boss who is the problem. There is an enemy. It’s not even your own personal Internal turmoil, that is the main problem.

There is an enemy who lives to stir dissension and division and to see jealousy and envy to cause you and I not to have any peace of mind and peace of heart and the enemy wants Paul wants you to know how strategic the enemy is y’all because he says listen the enemy is Scheming against you somebody say scheme Satan attacks you because you’re God’s child and he hates God’s property Satan attacks you because you’re the light of the world and he’s the Prince of Darkness Satan attacks you

because you’re the truth and he’s the father of lies Satan attacks you because you’re a soldier of the cross you’re anointed. You have the Word of God You have be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ You can take the sword of the truth of God and attack the gates of hell. You’re a threat to him You can only have one chance of survival put on the whole armor of God and fight back Take the word take the blood of the cross and the authority of Jesus name and drive Demonic goons back into the back alleys of hell because the victory is ours through Christ the Lord

God has given you Authority use it so that you can have victory in peace in this life Paul says I’m gonna give you some weapons that work and he gives us Traditionally people say six, but really, I believe there are seven pieces of armor. I I want to tell you briefly what they are He says you need to make sure that you stand firm in verse 14 gird your loins with truth He says then you need a breastplate call righteousness, but he doesn’t stop there.

He says you need something for your feet They better be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Then he says you need a shield and it’s called faith He says in verse 17. You need a helmet you need something to guard your mind You need a helmet called salvation and you need a sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and while most people stop there the Apostle Paul does not He says even though these six things are important.

You need one more thing in verse 18 He says and pray and so pray if you want victory in your marriage Would you make sure you are a man or a woman of prayer if you want victory teenager in your high school or Student at your university then you got to become a person of prayer And if you say you want to live victoriously and abundantly and yet you don’t pray then I don’t believe you Because prayer is how we live in the abundance of our God We need to realize that there’s a spiritual realm that is actually Honestly more real and more important than this realm it’s just that we ignore it because we can’t see it

But it’s there we are in a war We are soldiers in the army of God and Jesus is the captain of the hosts He’s given us his name He’s given us his word. He’s given us his blood And when I finally began to learn when somebody began to teach me that The devil was behind most of my problems some of them I was creating myself, but the devil was behind most of them That I had authority over him God has given us weapons And he’s given us armor

We need to know how to use our weapons and we need to make sure that we are wearing our armor on a regular basis Spiritual warfare For spiritual people how many of you Have had it with the enemy And you’re ready to learn how to fight him and win the war All right Do it in God’s strength be strong in the Lord Say that with me be strong in the Lord be strong in the Lord. This is God’s fight. It’s not yours.

It’s God’s victory it’s not yours. It’s God’s glory. It’s not yours. It’s God’s kingdom. It’s not yours. It’s God’s strength It’s not yours put on the whole armor of God and fight and fight to win because the victory is ours through Christ the Lord You can never exhaust God’s resources You can never exhaust God’s resources because he can do exceedingly Abundantly above all that you can ask or think you can see his mighty power But when he gets through he’s not exhausted

He has much more strength ready to give you from day unto day he can defeat any giant that’s before you he can produce streams in the desert he can produce manna that will fall from the sky He can send cloven tongues of fire in the upper room he can walk on the water in the Sea of Galilee and salvage you the thing that you think is about to destroy you he can use it for a Sidewalk to save you when you grow weary He can make you to run like a Elijah forty miles before the chariot when you grow faint

He can give you strength he can send you power that you can’t begin to touch You cannot exhaust God’s power. Our God is an awesome God he is full of grace and truth He is the almighty alshdi the conqueror of death hell and the grave He’s the conqueror of sickness and death.

He’s the conqueror of powers and principalities He’s the Conqueror from Calvary. He’s the Lion of the tribe of Judah He’s the Lord of glory and is coming soon with power and great glory This is about the eternal souls of men and women. This is about your sons and your daughters This is about the future of this nation It’s time for those who name the name of God to suit up and show up This is a fight to the finish and I intend to win it with the help of Almighty God put on the whole Of God and stand beside me and take the word of the wholeness of the father fight the good fight of faith Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

And for those of you who name the name of Christ Stop allowing Satan and his demonic goons to to destroy your marriage Put on the whole armor of God and fight back Quite allowing him to attack your health. The Bible says by His stripes. We are healed Quit allowing him to attack your finances the Bible says God will rebuke the Devourer for your sake He will make him give it back to you Sevenfold Stop allowing the devil to rob you of your peace because Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace

Stop allowing Satan to rob you of your joy in His presence is the fullness of joy do you want it then fight for it. Do you want it then fight for it

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