Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

God is saying to you today Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace the more you worry the more you will feel stressed the more you pray in faith the more you will feel relaxed when you read my word you will come across many stories of people who have faced struggles in their lives despite their circumstances they chose to pray in faith just like Daniel who was thrown into the lion’s den and Shadrach meshik and Abednego who were cast into a blazing fire they trusted and me and prayed in faith even Esther when faced with a difficult situation turned to prayer and faith

like this article If you believe God’s mercy as you explore my word you will find numerous examples of individuals who encountered challenges but remained steadfast in their faith they believed that I would be with them that I would provide help and that I would answer their prayers and when you delve into their lives you will see that I never disappointed them I exceeded their Expectations by grotting them more than they asked for in the same way I created you with a purpose and sent you into this world I will fulfill that purpose in due time

God is speaking to you

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

instead of worrying about things I encourage you to pray in faith know that I am by your side ready to bless you trust in me and I will answer your prayers according to my will prepare yourself for an outpouring of prosperity and abundance in every area of your life type yes to claim this blessing

God is speaking to you today declaring prepare yourself for I am about to do something beyond your expectations suddenly your health will improve doors will swing open and the right people will enter your life unexpectedly though you have endured trials and challenges be ready to embrace a season of Abundant Blessings those who have pursued you with ill intent will be defeated depression addictions work related troubles and health issues will be overcome

God wants you to embrace

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

here are four insights that God wants you to embrace this today one God is posed to open doors Shield you from distractions and rejuvenate your mind to God has already devised a plan to rescue you from your current circumstances do not surrender before your Miracle arrives three restoration awaits you you shall rise and rebound days filled with abundance lie ahead God is orchestrating something extraordinary for every Endeavor you undertake

this week shall flourish you are entering a phase of unparalleled greatness your finest days weight subscribe to channel to growth this community God says I am the Divine who offers forgiveness no transgression is beyond the reach of my boundless Grace approach me with a contrite heart and I shall bestow upon you my endless compassion and pardoning embrace the Liberation and Rejuvenation that flow from my profound forgiveness abide in me and I will abide in you

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

just as a branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless abides in the vine neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me I am the vine you are the branches those who abide in me and I in them will bear much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing John 15 to 4 5. listen up the storms that have battered you will soon subside watch as I perform extraordinary and unprecedented Deeds because you place your trust in me

I will rescue you even in the midst of fiery trials you will experience favor in the midst of a pandemic promotion will come your way strength will be yours during the storms of life and your troubles will be turned around the barriers that held you back have been shattered today’s message release your concerns regarding tomorrow it is natural to be anxious about the unknown find solace in this eternal Verity I precede you hence fretting over your forthcoming days is needless every aspect rests within my grasp place your

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

trust in me to not be anxious about anything instead take your concerns To God In Prayer share with them your needs and Express gratitude for all that he has done as a result you will encounter the peace of God surpassing all comprehension as peace will safeguard your hearts and Minds as you abide in Christ Jesus Philippians

God says today the best days of your life lie before you the overwhelming joy that awaits you is beyond imagination release the burdens of the past including years of pain suffering and unfulfilled promises or else you may miss the profound beauty that is about to unfold there are greater things in store for you Joy is on its way the love you yearn for is drawing hell near Financial breakthrough is on the horizon embraced and knew that awaits you by letting

if you’ve gotten theft or you will God

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

go of the old open your heart and receive the Abundant Blessings that are destined to be yours type yes if you’ve gotten theft or you will God I express my gratitude for the doors that have closed in my life thank you for preventing me from settling for second best every time I perceived rejection from something good you were actually guiding me towards something better

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace to envelop me whenever frustration tries to take hold grant me the strength and determination to persist when faced with the word no God I am thankful for the valuable lesson that Noah is merely a step towards a greater and more fulfilling yes no temptation has seized you except what is common to Mankind and God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it one Corinthians

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

Jesus declares do not under any circumstances succumb to defeat the Devil failed in his attempts to overthrow you last year and he will not succeed in doing so this year know that you already possess the victory you are not only an overcomer but also more than I conqueror through Christ God is diligently preparing you for a future filled with greatness greater opportunities are on the horizon greater health peace of mind and blessings await you prepare yourself for an overflow of abundance in your finances stay steadfast for The Best Is Yet To Come

if you have faith in God God has spoken anticipate a wave of good news coming your way God is actively resolving and improving your situation a new season of blessings is on the horizon ready to unfold in your life be prepared to receive notifications that something has worked out in your favor get ready for the manifestation of these positive changes is right around the corner

listen up my dear child today

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

listen up my dear child today is designated for your Miracle you shall continue gazing upward and ahead you are bestowed with blessings and divine favor by an extraordinary Supreme Being you shall not permit pessimistic thoughts to consume even the slightest fraction of your existence you are a firmly anchored and abounding in Bliss you are progressing steadily this day shall unfold with extraordinary prospects that shall outweigh any into all impediments may attempt to obstruct your calling

prepare yourself the most Splendid awaits you o beloved my child throughout your life you have faced tremendous challenges that few truly comprehend you have stood by others Faithfully offering your love and support even during their darkest moments all you desired in return was honesty and loyalty sadly your kind and compassionate heart has been wounded repeatedly you have even taken on burdens that rightfully belong to others opening your doors and assuming responsibilities yet despite it all you continue to praise and worship me

Lord I humbly pray for your Divine peace

I want you to know that I understand your pain and I will never abandon or forsake you remember you are not merely enduring you are emerging Victorious this year my hand will touch every member of your household blessings are on the horizon ready to manifest in your life type y yes if you want to be a light in the Darkness

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