God gives strength

Indian Coast Guard Yantrik Navik Recruitment 2024 26

God gives strength This story is from a very old time when there was a very old pool of water near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem which people used to know as Bethesda which means the place of grace but a person was lying ill in Bethesda for the last 38 years. And he did not feel any strength in his body.

It seems that perhaps more than half of his life was spent in illness. No grace had been bestowed upon him. This person did not have enough strength in his body to get into that pool on his own. According to people, angels used to descend from heaven in that pool.

And once a year angels used to get into the pool and stir the water and whoever would get into it first would get healthy. But perhaps this person did not have enough strength in his body to get into it immediately as soon as the water was stirred.

One day Jesus Christ himself comes to that place and says to that person, do you want to be healed? One day Jesus himself passes by the road and seeing that person, he comes to him and says to him

That person starts telling all his sorrows and all his troubles to Jesus Christ, then Jesus Christ tells that person “Feel good in yourself and get up…., and that person gets up from his cot and walks”

That person immediately regained strength in his body and started walking. And he became completely healthy. (John 5)

Learning: God gives strength.

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