A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

Be still and know that I am God I have been exalted among the nations I have been exalted on the earth There is something about peace and I think this verse is calling us to a quiet dwelling before the Lord because we need to assign all our attention to the Lord and if you really think about it when the pastor said be still and know that I am God he is actually calling you to stop everything that you are doing stop worrying stop resisting and start doing God start listening to God you see when you spend time in the presence of the Lord

when you spend time in the presence of Jesus Christ you will truly be transformed and I invite you to desire and hunger for this type of rich encounter in the presence of God because it is only in one-to-one interactive encounters that each of us can receive personal revelation of who God really is only in one-to-one interactive encounters can we do that each of us can be brave and courageous So that it can be filled and the world can be faced. Isaiah 45:2-7 to prove the demon Satan for Jesus Christ heed what it says I will run and drive straight the half-baked plaster, I will break off pieces of plaster and cut down the iron shackles, I will put straight the scars of darkness and the secret places, so you know that I, the Lord, have called by the name Joffe Park,

I am my servant Jacob and the God of Israel for the sake of my chosen Israel, I have called by the name Lord Joffe Park, yet let me not be told, I am the Lord and no other, there is no God besides me, I fled though I am not gone, that they may know from sunrise to sunrise that there is no one besides me, I am the Lord and no other, I create light and create darkness, I give peace and create plagues, I the Lord do all these things, who is this God this is an amazing revelation, God has perseverance, God is omniscient, God is omnipotent Isaiah 45:22 to 23 says, Look unto me and be saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is no other; by myself have I sworn; the word which has gone forth from my mouth in righteousness shall not fail me; before me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear unto me in oath.

Jesus Christ was announced to be the manifestation of Satan and listen carefully to what is said in Isaiah 45:2- 7 I will go forth and make straight the crooked mixtures I will break the twigs and shatter the iron bars I will break in pieces the pieces of stone and the private parts of the secret jewels to know who I am, the one who is known by your name, your servant Jacob and your chosen one for the sake of Israel, the God of Israel, the name given to the weapon that I have,

For surely I do not know whether I am the Lord or not. There is no other, no God except me I am the creator of the earth, though I must not be known, so that they may know from sunrise to dawn, there is no one except me I am the Lord and there is no other, I create light and dispel darkness, peace I am the Lord do all these works This is an amazing revelation of who the real God is God is firmly in control God is omniscient God is omnipotent Isaiah 45:22 to 23 says look unto me and save all the people around the earth for I am God and there is no other I have sworn to myself the word of my mouth has gone out in righteousness and I do not want to take it back every knee shall bend every tongue still swearing when we are even before God we need to realize how powerful God is the Bible tell us that there is no person and nothing that can be compared to God we need to remember that no person and nothing has a place in your heart number one. God must be in the first place now we pray dear Lord I worship you because you are a God who can be set in his own place. And worthy of praise I am looking to you King Jesus I am looking to you to stabilize my life I am looking to you King Jesus to save my soul I am like you my creator and father in Jesus Christ there is no one like you, you cannot be compared,

Help us be at peace and know that there is only you O God. Help us to have a sacred reserve for time alone with you. Let it become our daily desire to spend time alone with you. Holy Spirit. I pray that you help me to prioritize prayer and reading the word of God in my life amidst this united world. Stop letting our lives control us. Help us to institutionalize our different sides with Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit. I pray that you never leave us. Never stop mentoring me and pulling me in the direction of the Lord. Help me to establish your friendship and friendship from heaven. John 14:6

I will pray to the Father and he will give you another Helper to be with you forever Help me Holy Spirit Help me seek the presence of God on a daily basis The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:1-3 Therefore put away all malice, all deceit, treachery, envy and all evil, like newborn babes crave the pure milk of the word that you may grow by it If you have truly tasted that the Lord is gracious in guiding you Holy Spirit I pray that I begin to grow spiritually and in faith I pray that I grow in knowledge Help me to grow as a believer and become spiritually mature Holy Spirit help me grow in my knowledge of God and his ways Help me grow each day as I meditate on the living word of God

The Bible says the Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him I will wait for you Lord Jesus I will wait for you with an expectant heart I pray that the Holy Spirit will kindle a fire in me that will last forever Keep burning brightly for the things of God A fire that burns for Jesus Christ You are number one in my life King Jesus Jesus You are the King of my heart May you be exalted Psalm 119 verse 105 Your word says Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path May your word always guide me May it lead me and teach me your ways I thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray

Amen Be still and know that I am the God of Israel for the sake of my servant Jacob and for the sake of Israel my chosen one. I have called you by my name. I have named you, though you do not know me. I am the Lord and there is no other. There is no God besides me. I will call on you, though you do not know me. That they may know from sunrise to sunset that there is no one besides me. I am the Lord and there is no other. I make light and create darkness. I give peace and create disaster. I am the Lord, I do all these things. Look to me, all you who are to the ends of the earth, and be saved. For I am God and there is no other. I have sworn by myself. The word that has gone out of my mouth in righteousness will not be returned. Every knee will bow to me. Every tongue will swear.

Therefore, put away all malice, all deceit, treachery, envy and all evil, and like newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow. If you have indeed tasted that the Lord is merciful, my soul clings to the dust. Revive me according to your word.

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